SPEAR’S Russia magazine changes its name

Width418 cover wealth navigator 124SPEAR’S Russia renamed to WEALTH Navigator. The new name is the only change in the life of the project that launched in September 2008th. It will not affect the work of the magazine which will continue to cover the topics of private banking and wealth management for wealthy Russians and financial industry professionals. The addition 'WEALTH Navigator' has been on the magazine’s cover for a half of the year. It will become the main and the only one starting from the April issue and will fully reflect its purpose and meaning. The team will continue to work on the magazine, the annual Award for the best representatives of private banking & wealth management and the discussion club. SPEAR'S Russia was licensed by the British company Progressive Digital Media Group to the Russian publishing house PBWM Media. While both sides are happy with the 14-year collaboration, the geopolitical context forces them to split the projects. PBWM Media also took into account the fact that in recent years SPEAR'S Russia has ceased to be the "Russian version" of SPEAR'S UK and has focused on Russian topics and Russian experts and reduced the number of translated materials. A total of 107 issues of SPEAR'S Russia have been issued since 2008. The first SPEAR'S Russia Wealth Management Awards took place in 2009; all 13 ceremonies were held in a similar fashion to the SPEAR'S WMA Awards organized annually by SPEAR'S UK in London.

16.04.2022 Full Text